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Excerpt: The Australian Law Reform Commission released a Consultation Paper for its current reference on “Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws” on 27 January 2023, and invited public submissions by 24 February 2023. The paper,...
Excerpt 4. This Bill seeks to embed controversial gender ideology throughout the New South Wales statute book that will only frustrate the proper operation of the law and significantly undermine human rights in NSW.5. Most...
Excerpt: 1.The purpose of this document is to provide a collective response from the faith leaders listedbelow to the Banning of Conversion Practice Consultation Paper released by the Departmentsof Communities and Justice and Health (Departments)...
Excerpt: 3. Freedom for Faith agrees with and endorses the submission made today by the Institute for Civil Society. 4. In particular, we support the view that a “hate speech” law (as opposed to existing...
Executive Summary The proposed changes to the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act seek to narrow religious exceptions evenfurther, which is concerning for many religious organizations. These changes are the most restrictive regimefor regulating religious bodies in Australia...