Sign the Open Letter for Religious Freedom

How is my religious freedom under threat?

Political leaders and anti-faith lobby groups are actively working to take away your right to live your faith.

  • Your right to speak up for the unborn and against abortion.
  • Your right to teach your children the biological facts of sex and gender.
  • Even your right to pray in a public place or share your faith with a friend!

Your religious freedom is being pushed aside and even actively undermined.

The risk is growing that you could be sued or even prosecuted for speaking up to defend your faith, sharing it with other people… even praying for others!

As the federal election rapidly approaches, it’s time to stand up and show political candidates on all sides that your religious freedom matters.

Why is the federal election important?

Your voice can force political candidates on all sides to take this issue seriously.

And as more people tune in ,to the election and weigh up their vote, it’s important that they hear which candidates stand for religious freedom… and which are willing to sweep it under the rug and hope we don’t notice.

By ensuring that candidates state their position “on the record” you can help hold them accountable to the promises they make – and protect your freedom in the months and years to come.

Who is opposing protections for religious freedom?

You won’t be surprised to hear that there are many lobby groups and politicians who have an anti-faith agenda.

They’re using their political clout to undermine faith in this nation, creating a toe-the-line culture that’s more about being seen to be politically correct than living by faith and strong values.

At local, state and federal levels, it’s important to defend your faith and let decision-makers and political leaders know that religious freedom matters to you.  

What can I do to protect religious freedom?

Your action today matters more than you might think!

By signing the petition below, you’re joining with thousands of Australians to send a message loud and clear: religious freedom matters.

After you sign, please share the petition with your family and friends and on your social media. The more people who sign, the greater the impetus for this vital issue.

So thank you for signing the petition below calling on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton to pledge to protect religious freedom

Sign the petition

Dear Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton,

We the under-signed are calling on you, the Prime Minister, and you the Leader of the Opposition, to publicly commit to protecting:

  • The individual rights of religious freedom, expression and conscience, and the right for parents to raise their children in accordance with their faith.
  • The positive right for faith-based organisations – including churches, charities and schools – to operate according to their faith. This includes employing staff and volunteers who believe and live out their faith.

Yours sincerely,

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(We need your address to prove that you are an Australian resident and make sure your signature counts)
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Don’t forget to share this petition with your family, friends, and neighbours and encourage them to raise a united voice to protect religious freedom in Australia!