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A Statement from Bishop Michael Stead, Chair of Freedom for Faith All Australians should be deeply shocked at the discriminatory treatment of Andrew Thorburn. According to press reports Thorburn has been forced to resign one...

“The law itself is discriminatory in that it actually discriminates against religious organisations exclusively.”
There is a growing State overreach into the freedom of religious institutions and schools.

“To say that you have to cower and be secretive and hide in order to live a life of faith—that’s what we’re used to from Soviet Russia, contemporary China. That’s not the way we should be living in a Western liberal democracy. ”
Religious Persecution is on the rise in Australia.

“There has been an aggressive re-definition of what it means to be ‘secular’.
‘Secular’ now means to the exclusion of the religious.”
Christian, Jewish and Muslim voices on why the Religious Discrimination Bill must be passed in its own right, regardless of who governs after Election Day on May 21.

Greg Sheridan is an Australian foreign affairs journalist, author and commentator. He has written a number of books on politics, religion and international affairs and has been the foreign editor of The Australian newspaper since...

Martyn Iles is the Managing Director of the Australian Christian Lobby. He is also the host of “The Truth of it”, a successful program that examines various social issues through a Christian lens.