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You may have ticked “no religion” in the census, and you may have ticked “yes” in the marriage postal survey, but a loss of freedom of religion can still affect you.
If you are a Christian and you’re living in the West, the chances are that over the years you have read material or listened to techniques that explain how to engage with people who believe and act differently to you. But so poisoned has the debate over SSM become that I rarely if ever mention it to friends who are not Christian. I’ve started to just keep my head down.
Trinity Western University has been the epicenter of a Canadian cultural battle because of its code of conduct that every student and faculty member is to sign. At the heart of the conflict: which will prevail, freedom of religion or freedom not to be offended?
marriage has never really been just about two individuals. Although it is the most intimate and personal of unions it is also a public institution. It shapes our culture like no other. Others are involved, and foremost among them are children.