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In February 2023, the Treasurer asked the Productivity Commission to investigate how to increase philanthropic giving in Australia. In November 2023 the Commission released its draft report. Unfortunately, the report’s recommendations went far beyond the...
Australia has no Federal legislation to protect from people religious discrimination, or to protect the rights of people of faith to hold, express or live out their faith. Some States have religious discrimination legislation; however...

Schools’ Rights

Oct 18, 2024
Since 2018, there have been attacks on the right of faith-based schools to hire staff who believe in and live out the faith of the school, and to engage in disciplinary action where staff or...
Excerpt: The Australian Law Reform Commission released a Consultation Paper for its current reference on “Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws” on 27 January 2023, and invited public submissions by 24 February 2023. The paper,...
Inquiry into the Australian Human Rights Commission Amendment (Costs Protection) Bill 2023 The Australian Human Rights Commission Costs Protection Bill 2024 was passed on 19 September 2024. Freedom for Faith was heavily engaged in advocacy...