The Noble Principle of Never Again
Associate Professor Quirk from the Australian Catholic University addressed the Religious Freedom in an Age of Equality Conference in Melbourne in September 2016:
The widespread killings by the group known as Daesh (ISIS) has been reported and now partially documented. This killing has not been indiscriminate, with certain religious groups targeted for annihilation in toto. According to U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, “Daesh is responsible for genocide against groups in areas under its control, including Yezidis, Christians, and Shia Muslims.”
This presentation will discuss recent declarations of genocide by the EU Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the US Department of State, the US Congress, and the UK Parliament. Australia’s notable silence will also be considered.
You can listen to the talk here.
Patrick Quirk is Associate Professor at Australian Catholic University Melbourne Campus, and a former tenured Associate Professor and Academic Dean at Ave Maria School of Law in Naples, Florida, USA. He holds degrees in law and arts from the University of Queensland, as well as a Master of Civil Laws (Magister Legum) from the University of Tübingen, Germany, which he completed by coursework and thesis (in German). He took his PhD from the University of Adelaide.
Following graduation, he was admitted to the Queensland Bar and later practised as a solicitor at a large firm in Sydney, NSW. Patrick has also taught at Bond University Law School and the Columbus School of Law at The Catholic University of America (CUA) in Washington, D.C. He teaches and writes on various commercial and civil law areas, including the U.S. Uniform Commercial Code, the law of electronic commerce, and law & religion.