Briefing Paper on Anti-Discrimination Amendment Bill 2012 (Tasmania) from Freedom 4 Faith
About Freedom 4 Faith
Freedom 4 Faith (F4F) is an organisation that was formed to educate the Christian church and members of the wider public on issues relating to freedom of religion in Australia. The board of F4F includes leaders from the Anglican, Baptist, Presbyterian and Seventh-day Adventist Churches. The association’s affiliate membership is made up of faith-based organisations that share the aims and objectives of the association, including other Christian denominations such as the Apostolic Church and the Australian Christian Churches (AOG). F4F have a direct interest in religious freedom, which they consider to be one of the most fundamental human rights.
Purpose of this Response Paper
The Anti-Discrimination Amendment Bill 2012 (Tas) (“the Bill”) currently before the Tasmanian Parliament proposes significant changes to the Anti-Discrimination Act 1998 (Tas) (“the Act”). While most of the Bill does not raise issues of concern to F4F, there are some very troubling aspects of this Bill, and we seek some deletions from the Bill so as not to limit rights such as freedom of religion, association and speech in ways that cannot be justified. We have concerns especially about proposed sections 56A, and 56B. We also have concerns about the extension of section17 of the Act.